Mazuma is now Vyde

If you filed a tax deadline extension this year for your corporate business taxes, your tax deadline moved to October 15th. Now that the second tax deadline is approaching, you may be wondering if you can file a second IRS tax extension. The simple answer to this question is no.

There is a lot of confusion regarding second tax extensions. The IRS used to offer what they called a “second extension.” The second-extension granted businesses an additional two months to file their taxes. However, the original IRS tax deadline extension only granted a four-month extension.

Now, the IRS offers a one-time tax extension of six months. Which means, there is no longer a second tax extension. Now, when a corporate business files for a tax extension they get one six-month extension, rather than two shorter extensions.

If you filed a business tax deadline extension with the IRS this year and are worried about the upcoming October deadline, Vyde with their virtual bookkeepers can help you gather and file your tax documents before the deadline.

Other posts that might interest you:

Q&A: How to file a corporate business income tax extension with the IRS

Q&A: My 6 month extension on my corporate business taxes is due on 9/15.  Help!

Q&A: What if I can’t file my corporate business taxes by my IRS tax extension deadline?

Q&A: How do I file an amended tax return for my business?

Q&A: What if I missed the IRS tax extension deadline?


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