The IRS allows businesses to file an income tax extension which provides additional time beyond the original deadline for filing income taxes. For most business partnerships, the original filing date is April 15th; while most corporations, including S-Corps and C-Corps have their taxes due on March 15th. A corporate business income tax extension provides an additional 5 or 6 months to file.
All businesses owners other than sole proprietors should submit an IRS Form 7004 to request an income tax extension. Since all business activities are reported on a sole proprietor’s personal tax return, they will need to submit a Form 4868 instead. You do not need to provide a reason for requesting a tax extension, but your income tax extension request must be submitted by the original due date of your taxes (March or April 15th). Business tax extensions are automatic and only rejected if there is an error in the information provided on the Form 7004, such as an incorrect tax ID number.
A corporate business income tax extension does not give you extra time to pay your taxes, it only provides additional time to fill out your tax forms. You are still expected to pay any taxes you may owe by the original due date. It is best to pay your taxes when you submit your tax extension to avoid IRS penalties and interest charges.
A business tax extension can be filed electronically or by mail, but must be filed online by midnight or postmarked by the original tax deadline.
If you filed a business income tax extension this year and need help preparing your taxes, Vyde can help.
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