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If you filed an IRS tax extension this year, or in previous years, and missed the extended filing deadline, you need to take action as soon as possible.

Here are a few tips to consider if you missed the IRS tax extension deadline:
  • File as soon as possible. Taxes cannot just be forgotten or ignored. If you missed filing taxes, no matter the year, they still need to be filed. If you owe taxes, you’ll need to file as soon as possible to keep penalties from increasing over time. If you are due a refund, there is no penalty for filing late but filing sooner rather than later will get your refund coming sooner.
  • Pay as much as you can. If you filed an IRS tax extension, technically your tax payment was due with your tax extension request form by April 15th. However, if you didn’t make a payment by that deadline, you’ll want to pay as much as possible as soon as possible. Paying down your tax bill will minimize penalties.
  • File by mail. After the tax extension deadline, the IRS no longer accepts taxes filed electronically. However, you still have the option of printing, filling out, and mailing your tax documents if missed the deadline.

Whether you’ve missed only one year of filing taxes or several, Vyde can help you compile your tax information and file it with the IRS. The most important thing to do if you missed the IRS tax extension deadline is to file as quickly as possible.

Other posts that might interest you:

6 Reasons Why Filing a Tax Extension with the IRS is a Good Decision

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Q&A: Do I need to request a state tax extension if I filed an IRS tax extension?

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