Mazuma is now Vyde

We’re accountants, so you’re probably thinking that this article is going to be completely biased towards hiring accountants, preferably us, to do your bookkeeping and taxes, right? Well, we’d love to meet you and talk to you about your business, financial goals, and so on. We’d also like to make your life easier by taking care of the day to day management of your books, and filing your business (and personal) taxes come tax time. But we’re going to be honest here and give you the pros and cons of hiring an accountant to take care of things, because we get it – we’re doing the small business thing too, and we know that straight talk, especially when it comes to business stuff, is exactly what you want and need.

Reasons to Do the Accounting Yourself

There are plenty of reasons to hire an accountant, but lets talk about the reasons you might not want to (despite the fact that it may not be in your budget at the moment).

Reasons to Hire an Accountant

If you’ve read this far you obviously didn’t nod your head to any of the bullets above. Just to make sure we’ve got you headed in the right direction, here are some reasons hiring an accountant will be beneficial to you.


Schedule a consultation with one of our small business experts to get your questions answered and learn more about our service!