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Fixed asset accounting is crucial for businesses to manage their long-term tangible and intangible assets. Proper accounting ensures accurate financial reporting and management of assets throughout their lifecycle.

What are Fixed Assets?

What are Fixed Assets

Definition and Examples of Fixed Assets

Fixed assets, also known as capital assets, are long-term resources held by a company for business operations. Examples include property, plant, equipment, intellectual property, and more.

Classification and Depreciation of Fixed Assets

Fixed assets, also known as long-term assets or non-current assets, are tangible or intangible resources held by a company for long-term use in its operations to generate income. These assets are not intended for resale but rather for continued use within the business to support its operations.

Tangible Fixed Assets:

  1. Property: tangible assets include land, buildings, and any improvements made to these structures.
  2. Plant: Machinery, equipment, and vehicles used in manufacturing, production, or operations.
  3. Equipment: Computers, furniture, fixtures, and other items used in day-to-day operations.

Intangible Fixed Assets:

  1. Intellectual Property: Trademarks, patents, copyrights, and proprietary technology.
  2. Goodwill: The value of a business’ reputation, brand, or customer relationships.

Fixed assets are characterized by their long-term nature; they are expected to provide benefits to the company for more than one accounting period, typically over a year. Unlike current assets (such as cash, inventory, or accounts receivable), fixed assets are not easily converted into cash within a short timeframe.

These assets are recorded on the company’s balance sheet and are usually listed under property, plant, and equipment (PP&E) or intangible assets sections. The fair market value of fixed assets is recorded at their initial cost, including all expenses incurred to acquire, prepare, and bring the asset to its intended use.

Understanding Fixed Asset Accounting

Asset Valuation Methods and Depreciation

Determining the value of fixed assets involves considering the purchase price, salvage value, and useful life. Various depreciation methods like straight-line and double declining balance are used to allocate the asset’s cost over its useful life.

Asset Valuation Methods:

1. Purchase Price:

The initial cost incurred by a company to acquire a fixed asset. It includes the actual cost of the asset, transportation, installation, and any other expenses necessary to put the asset into service.

2. Salvage Value:

The estimated residual value of the asset at the end of its useful life. It’s the amount the company expects to receive from the sale or disposal of the asset after its usefulness diminishes.

3. Useful Life:

The anticipated duration over which the fixed asset is expected to provide economic benefits to the company. It determines the time period over which depreciation will be allocated.

Depreciation Methods:

a. Straight-Line Depreciation:

This method evenly distributes the cost of the asset over its useful life. It calculates depreciation as (Purchase Price – Salvage Value) / Useful Life.

b. Double Declining Balance Depreciation:

This accelerated method writes off more of the asset’s value in the early years. It applies a depreciation rate (typically double the straight-line rate) to the asset’s net book value.

Accumulated Depreciation and Carrying Value

Accumulated Depreciation:

This account records the total depreciation charged on a fixed asset from the time it was acquired until the present. It accumulates the depreciation expenses recognized over the asset’s life.

Carrying Value:

The carrying value, also known as the book value, represents the net amount at which an asset is recognized on the balance sheet. It is calculated as the original cost of the asset minus the accumulated depreciation.

Fixed Asset Turnover

Fixed Asset Lifecycle Management

Importance and Lifecycle Phases

Managing a fixed asset’s life cycle includes acquisition, maintenance, depreciation, and disposal. Each phase demands careful tracking and accounting treatment.

Asset Disposal and Impairment

Asset disposal involves removing an asset from the balance sheet upon sale or retirement. Asset impairment occurs when an asset’s carrying value exceeds its recoverable amount.

Accounting Treatment and Financial Impact

Impact on Cash Flow Statement

Fixed asset accounting significantly influences a company’s financial statements, particularly the balance sheet and income statement. It affects metrics like fixed asset turnover ratio and net fixed assets.

Fixed Asset Turnover Ratio and Financial Analysis

The fixed asset turnover ratio measures how efficiently a company utilizes its fixed assets to generate revenue. It aids in financial analysis and assessing operational performance.

1. Acquisition of Fixed Assets:

Entry for Purchase:

  1. Debit the Fixed Asset Account: Record the cost of the asset, including all expenses related to its acquisition (purchase price, transportation, installation, etc.).
  2. Credit the Cash/Bank Account or Accounts Payable: Reflects the payment made or liability incurred for the asset.

2. Depreciation Entries:

Straight-Line Depreciation Example:

  1. Debit Depreciation Expense Account: Reflects the amount of depreciation for the period.
  2. Credit Accumulated Depreciation Account: Accumulates the total depreciation for the asset over time.

Double Declining Balance Depreciation Example:

  1. Debit Depreciation Expense Account: Records the higher depreciation expense for the asset in the earlier years.
  2. Credit Accumulated Depreciation Account: Accumulates the depreciation as per the double declining balance method.

3. Disposal of Fixed Assets:

Entry for Sale or Disposal:

  1. Debit Accumulated Depreciation Account: Record the total accumulated depreciation up to the date of disposal.
  2. Debit or Credit the Fixed Asset Account: If the asset is sold, debit/credit the asset’s carrying value or any gain/loss on the sale.
  3. Credit/Debit Cash/Bank Account or Gain/Loss on Disposal Account: Represents the cash received or loss/gain on the disposal of the asset.

Example Entry:

Suppose a company purchases machinery for $50,000 on January 1, Year 1, with an estimated salvage value of $5,000 after 5 years and uses straight-line depreciation.

  • Year 1 Asset Depreciation Entry:
    • Debit: Depreciation Expense ($50,000 – $5,000 / 5 years) = $9,000
    • Credit: Accumulated Depreciation = $9,000
  • Year 5 Disposal Entry (if sold for $40,000):
    • Debit: Accumulated Depreciation = Total Depreciation till Year 5
    • Debit: Cash/Bank Account = Sales Proceeds ($40,000)
    • Credit: Machinery (Original Cost) = $50,000
    • Credit: Gain/Loss on Disposal = Difference between Cash Received and Book Value

Important Considerations:

  • Ensure entries comply with accounting standards (GAAP/IFRS).
  • Keep detailed records of asset purchases, depreciation, and disposal for accurate financial reporting.
  • Review and reconcile fixed asset accounts regularly to avoid errors.


Ensure entries comply with accounting standards


Understanding fixed asset accounting is fundamental for businesses to effectively manage their long-term tangible and intangible assets. It involves evaluating asset valuation methods, depreciation, and lifecycle management, influencing financial statements and overall company performance. Properly recording fixed asset entries ensures accurate financial reporting and adherence to accounting standards.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How does straight-line depreciation differ from double declining balance depreciation?

Straight-line depreciation evenly distributes the asset cost over its useful life, while double declining balance depreciation accelerates depreciation in the earlier years, writing off a higher portion of the asset’s value.

Why is accumulated depreciation important in fixed asset accounting?

Accumulated depreciation tracks the total depreciation charged on an asset, aiding in determining its carrying value and providing insights into the asset’s current worth.

Can the salvage value of a fixed asset change over time?

Yes, the salvage value may change due to changes in market conditions, technological advancements, or changes in the asset’s condition.

How do fixed assets impact a company’s balance sheet?

Fixed assets are recorded on the balance sheet and affect the asset side by representing the company’s investments in long-term resources, influencing its overall financial position.

What role does fixed asset turnover ratio play in financial analysis?

The fixed asset turnover ratio measures how effectively a company uses its fixed assets to generate revenue, providing insights into operational efficiency and asset utilization.


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