Mazuma is now Vyde

Everyone wants to save on taxes. Everyone. But who really has time to figure out all the details when it comes to taxes and bookkeeping for small businesses?  We’ve taken some of the questions we hear the most from small business owners and those just starting out in entrepreneurship and answered them. They’re the same answers we give to our paying clients – it’s our best advice and it’s helped dozens of small businesses be successful when it comes to saving on taxes time and again. So grab a pen and something to write with – we hope you’ll find a few good ideas to apply to your own business.

Want to catch a sneak peek of what’s included in the webinar? Scroll down to find the questions we cover and when to start watching. You’ll be able to find the things you’re most interested about and have an idea of other things we cover so you can come back and watch on those later.

What’s an EIN and do I need it?

(start watching at 1:14)

What’s the best way to figure out how much I should set aside for taxes?

(start watching at 2:35)

Should I pay my taxes quarterly or just once a year?

(start watching at 5:47)

I only pay taxes on the money that I take out of the business, right?

(start watching at 9:40)

Is medical insurance premium tax exempt for joint filing?

(start watching at 11:12)

Is there anything I can do before the end of the year that will help me save on taxes?

(start watching at 15:19)

What is a SEP IRA?

(start watching at 18:52)

If it passes, will the proposed tax bill effect my 2017 taxes?

(start watching at 22:57)

How do I know how long it should take for me to break-even, or be out of the red, as I start my business?

(start watching at 24:53)

Do you have a question regarding your personal or small business taxes we didn’t answer? We’d love to talk taxes or bookkeeping with you. You can get connected with us here. 


Schedule a consultation with one of our small business experts to get your questions answered and learn more about our service!