Mazuma is now Vyde

Mazuma’s Story

Benjamin Sutton, CPABenjamin Sutton, CPA and Mazuma Managing Partner, was sitting in his ridiculously overpriced chair at a large accounting firm a few years ago, contemplating his future as a six figure partner with a time share in Hawaii.

He unsuspectedly came across an article about a start-up accounting firm in the UK who built an offering around affordable small business bookkeeping and tax services. The article argued that a firm with a little more heart (in terms of billing rates) and a focus on small business bookkeeping and tax preparation could provide a needed service to a group that represents over 90% of all companies. Ben’s heart grew three sizes that day and he convinced his wife this was the right thing to do.

In 2011, Mazuma USA opened its doors with an extremely efficient business model based entirely on small business bookkeeping, tax preparation and payroll services. Business owners simply upload their bank and credit card statements, receipts, and invoices each month. Mazuma does all the work, and the owner receives a clean and accurate monthly Income Statement (P&L), Ledger, and Balance Sheet. It couldn’t be easier, and definitely not cheaper.

Since the clients’ books are being managed all year by Mazuma, year-end taxes are a breeze. This allows Mazuma to prepare their clients’ taxes for the same flat-rate fee. Not to mention, the Mazuma accountants are aware of their clients’ every expense and deduction, giving them a leg up on providing the best return and tax advice.

If this all sounds too good to be true, try Mazuma free for one month. Click here to start.


Schedule a consultation with one of our small business experts to get your questions answered and learn more about our service!