Mazuma is now Vyde

You’ve got a small business. You’ve got a great product or service. You may even have a pretty steady cash flow and are doing ok growing your business. But what do you know about marketing – and even better, what are you doing about it?

Knowing when you need marketing help for your small business or side hustle is a pretty complicated decision. And there are a lot of options for what type of help you may need – a consultant, a little research online and time set aside to put your findings in action, or hiring a full-on marketing person to help you grow your business.

So how do you know if you need marketing help and what kind? We’re glad you asked.

Social Media? Why Would I Need That?

We’re joking – slightly. You probably do know what social media is. But do you have business channels on all the major social platforms for your business? Are you posting regularly and interacting with your followers? What about building a community amongst potential buyers/clients?

Even if you don’t sell your product online, it’s probably pretty obvious that you want to have a foothold in the online world because people turn to the internet for information and they turn to social media channels for recommendations from friends and other trusted sources. Having your business show up in a professional way on the major social media platforms makes it easier for them to find you and for their friends to recommend you. Being consistent in your posting and interactions on those platforms tells potential clients that you’re on top of things, that you’re invested in your clients, and that you, your product, and your services are a good pick.

I Don’t Have Time for That

We hear you. Figuring out what type of marketing help you need is only half the battle. Keeping up with it all is the other half and it’s almost impossible to do sometimes along with running your business. Many small businesses hire a part-time or contracted marketing person or social media manager. You may even find that there are virtual assistants that will maintain your accounts at a fair price.

Our recommendation is that you take a few minutes to research what you might need online. Then start looking for those experts we mentioned above and their cost. Based on your needs, you’ll be able to find something that fits your budget and saves you time. Make sure you understand what you’re getting and how it will help – whomever you hire should be able to explain all that, if they can’t they’re probably not a good fit.

Marketing Plans, Mission Statements, Logos are Not Your Thing

Not every small business owner is a creative – we’re accountants, so we totally get that. But having the creative/marketing side of things  is a need for your business. Marketing plans and mission statements are a way of keeping your eye on the prize and are essential if you’re looking for investors to help you grow your business.

When it comes to logos, brochures, websites, and more – DIYing it may take more time than it’s worth. Hiring a marketer doesn’t necessarily mean they can accomplish all these tasks themselves, but it does mean that they’ll have connections with those who can and that they’ll have a good understanding of what you’ll need and what it should cost.

What other questions do you have about marketing? Tell us in the comments below.


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