Mazuma is now Vyde

If you’re planning on holiday customers, employees or client gift giving,  this year, we’ve got you covered! We covered what to give and who to give it to,  what’s tax deductible, and now we’re talking Do’s and Don’ts of holiday gift giving.

holiday gift giving for clients


-Give. Don’t promote. You have all year to promote your business; allow the holidays to be a time to focus on your clients and let them know how grateful you are for them.

-Send a card. A handwritten card or personal email can be meaningful and memorable. Gift giving has lost its personal touch over the years and your client will love getting a special note from yours truly, with or without a gift.

-Keep an ongoing list of employees, clients, service providers, and others who make your business great throughout the year. The holidays are a busy time of year, making it easy to forget someone. Keeping a small list throughout the year will ease your holiday stress and keep you from overspending at the last minute.

-Set a budget. Not all client gifts are equal, but you do need to have a budget in place before you start shopping. Using a small business bookkeeping system can help you keep to a budget. Check out our post on tax deductible gifts (link) and amounts here before deciding how much to spend.

-Check into a company’s gift giving and receiving policy before shipping your presents. The larger the company, the more likely a specific policy is in place. You don’t want to spend unnecessary cash on a contact who is not allowed to accept your gesture. However, a hand written card will almost always suffice and show your genuine appreciation! 


-Don’t wait until the last minute. Keep in mind many people take a lengthy break from work to travel during the Christmas season, so sending a gift to a client’s office on December 23rd may not work. Try to have your gifts sent out early in December to ensure on-time delivery.

-Don’t feel pressure to run out and buy a nice gift for everyone who sends you one. Again, a quick way to go over budget and not always necessary. However, be sure to send a nice thank you card expressing your gratitude or a holiday card, and add that person to the list for the next year, if need be.

-Don’t send gifts that are too personal or religious. Keep it professional in the work place and avoid gifts like clothing, perfume, and other items people have personal (and sometimes very strong!) opinions about.

-Don’t be a brown-noser. Give gifts because you’re grateful for your client, employee, boss, etc. and keep it at that. Don’t try to out-do another employee or company and keep in mind that as long as your gift is genuine and sincere, the recipient will appreciate the gesture.

company’s gift giving

The best holiday gift to give comes from the heart. Be genuine and sincere and your clients and employees are sure to appreciate the heartfelt gesture.

FAQs for Holiday Gift Giving to Clients, Customers, and Employees

1. What’s the primary approach during the holiday season for gift giving to clients? Focus on giving rather than promoting your business. Use the holidays as a time to show gratitude and appreciation for your clients’ support.

2. Is sending a card a meaningful gesture in holiday gift giving? Absolutely! A handwritten card or personal email adds a memorable personal touch, making your client feel valued, even without a physical gift.

3. How can I avoid last-minute holiday stress while planning gifts? Maintain an ongoing list throughout the year of employees, clients, and contributors. This helps prevent oversights and last-minute rushes during the busy holiday season.

4. Should I have a budget in mind when selecting client gifts? Yes, setting a budget is crucial. Consider using a small business bookkeeping system to manage expenses and ensure gifts are within a reasonable range.

5. What are some things to avoid when gifting during the holiday season? Avoid waiting until the last minute for gift sending, feeling obliged to reciprocate every gift received, selecting overly personal or religious gifts, and trying to impress with extravagant gifts. Keep the gesture genuine and sincere.


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