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digital or print planner

We’ve already talked about why setting goals is critical to the success of your business. Now it’s time to make those goals a reality. Planning is the only way you’ll reach them.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery said, “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” Now that you have a SMART goal, you need to find the best way to achieve it. Planners can help you see where you are at with your goal, what needs to be done and can help you take the steps needed to get there.

Everyone has a preference when it comes to digital or print planners. We’re going to break down the benefits of each to help you determine which is best for you and your small business.

Benefits of digital planners

Digital planners are a great option for the businessperson who comes up with ideas all the time, or someone who needs access to their schedule 24/7.

Benefits of a digital planner:

  • Convenient: You’ll almost always have a planner with you because you can access it from your phone, tablet or computer.
  • Reminders: Setting reminders in your planner can help you keep track of where you should be at on a project.
  • Gather information: Most digital planners can access other apps or calendars so you can keep track of your schedule and events.
  • Appointments & to-do lists in one: Most print planners make you choose between an appointment or to-do list format, but digital planners can allow for both.
  • Can share with team members: If you want the whole company to be in the know, you can share your calendar or list with them. This is also great for department projects.

There are a lot of options for digital planners on the market. Some planners are only available on iOS or Android, so make sure you choose a planner that works with your phone and tablet before you get completely invested.

Benefits of print planners

Traditional, or print planners, are a great tool for people who need a physical list in order to stay on top of their projects.

Benefits of a print planner:

  • Good for your brain: The act of putting a pen to paper stimulates your brain and helps you clear your mind and think outside the box.
  • Set it up your way: With a variety of planners on the market you can choose the right layout for yourself, or you can make your own – no tech skills needed.
  • Sense of accomplishment: People who like to make lists and write things down, usually enjoy crossing things off those lists. Print planners allow you to cross tasks off, which increases your productivity.
  • Easy to use: Print planners are very basic. There isn’t a learning curve and you can easily jot down reminders or tasks quickly without having to search for an app.

Benefits of print planners

Before buying a print planner get an idea of what you’re looking for. Do you want a to-do list style or do you prefer to break your day up by time? Find a planner that meets your needs, because you’re going to invest in it for a year. If you can’t find a planner that is everything you want, try bullet journaling. It gives you complete control over your planner.

FAQs: Choosing Between Digital and Print Planners for Your Small Business

Why is planning important for achieving business goals?

Planning is crucial because it turns your goals into actionable steps. Without a plan, goals remain just wishes. Planners help track progress, identify necessary actions, and guide you toward reaching your goals.

What are the benefits of using a digital planner for my business?

Digital planners offer convenience, 24/7 access, reminders, integrated information from other apps, combined appointment and to-do lists, and the ability to share schedules with team members. They are ideal for businesspeople who need constant access and collaboration.

What are the advantages of using a print planner?

Print planners stimulate brain activity through writing, allow personalized setups without tech skills, provide a sense of accomplishment when crossing off tasks, and are simple to use without a learning curve. They are great for those who prefer physical lists.

How can I decide which type of planner is best for my business?

Consider your workflow and personal preferences. If you need constant access and enjoy digital integration, a digital planner might be best. If you prefer writing things down and enjoy the tactile experience of crossing off tasks, a print planner might suit you better.

Are there specific features I should look for in a digital or print planner?

For digital planners, look for compatibility with your devices, app integration, and sharing capabilities. For print planners, choose a layout that matches your needs (e.g., to-do lists or time-based schedules) and consider customizing options like bullet journaling for complete control.


Schedule a consultation with one of our small business experts to get your questions answered and learn more about our service!