Mazuma is now Vyde

Summer is almost out and Pomp and Circumstance is queued up at schools across the country, but when it comes to Small Biz Accounting School, we’re just about to be in session. With tax season finally over for another year, we’re looking towards helping small business owners, entrepreneurs and solopreneurs alike by giving them a summer school version of accounting school. While it’s true that we won’t be handing out diplomas or prepping anyone to sit for their CPA exam, we’re more than ready to help anyone interested in handling the finances and bookkeeping of their small business.

Each week over the summer, we’ll be posting another session of Small Biz Accounting School  and covering topics that will help you manage your business, your books, and accomplish your entrepreneurial dreams. Knowledge is power, and it’s time to get financially set to grow your business and increase your green.

First things first. To understand any subject, you need to have a sound understanding of the basic principles and vocabulary that’s commonly used. When it comes to accounting, we often get blank stares, but it really isn’t as hard as it all seems to be. This week, we’ll be covering the Top 10 Accounting Terms Every Business Owner Should Know.

Test Your Knowledge with this Quiz


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