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Most bloggers focus their time and creative energy on their actual blog posts and ideas, but some neglect the “business” of blogging. Accounting & taxes for bloggers can be especially overwhelming. To help, we’ve put together a FREE Accounting & Taxes 101 Course, just for bloggers. It’s simple and straightforward and provides you with what you need to know to better manage your blogger business.

You don’t have to worry or dread the business aspect of your blog for another minute! The following articles will take your through accounting & taxes for bloggers.

Accounting for Bloggers

Accounting 101 for Bloggers

3 Blogger Accounting Tips to Increase Blog Profits

I’m a Blogger. How do I Legally Operate a Giveaway or Contest on my Blog?

I’m a Blogger. Can I Pay my Family for Their Help?

I’m a Blogger. How Do I Pay my Employees?

Taxes for Bloggers

Taxes for Bloggers

Top 20 Items Bloggers can Deduct on their Taxes

I’m a Blogger. Does the IRS Consider my Blog a Business or a Hobby?

Do I Have to Report My Blogging Income? What if I Chance it?

I’m a Blogger. Can I Deduct Hosting, Web, and Design Fees?

I’m a Blogger. Can I Deduct Conference Registration Fees, Travel, and Meals?

How Does the IRS View Sponsored Blog Posts?

Do you have any other accounting for tax questions about your blog you’d like answered? Give us a call, send us an email, or let us know on our Facebook page and we’ll be sure to offer professional accounting advice from one of our certified Vyde accountants.



Schedule a consultation with one of our small business experts to get your questions answered and learn more about our service!