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Raise Your Small Business Credit Score

When it comes to test scores, salaries, batting averages, or pretty much anything other than golf scores – the higher the better. The same goes for credit scores. And a good credit score means a lot if you’re starting or running a business. 

Why Your Credit Score Matters

A credit score is a way that financial institutions and lenders attempt to predict your future financial behavior. They look at your financial past- what types of loans you’ve taken out, if you quickly repay or default on a loan altogether, and  if you’re consistent in your payments and even pay on time. Then based on their assessment they assign you a score between 850 and 300. 

The higher the score the better of an investment you are, so your ability to take out new loans or work with lenders with better rates increases. 

This can be essential if you’re looking to start a business or expand the business you already have. It even can come into play if you’re sourcing large amounts of raw materials or other resources for your business – many wholesalers are more likely to extend larger tabs to clients with higher credit scores because they know they’ve got a good financial history. 

How Do You Increase Your Small Business Credit Score

Remember, you didn’t get your current credit score overnight, so raising your credit score isn’t going to happen that fast either, but you can always do things to help it improve. 

  1. Take a look at your current credit report – review you’re current credit report and look for areas that might include false information or items that have a negative impact. Verify your story to the best of your ability by collecting related paperwork and any bank or credit card statements. Then contact the credit agency and ask to work through these concerns.
  2. Pay on time. Every time – Making sure you can pay your bills and that you do so on time is the best way to improve your business credit score. To do so, consider setting things on autopay, paying a little extra each time so you’ve built up a reserve and setting reminders on your phone so you can check to see that you’ve paid in full by the required monthly deadline. 
  3. Pay Down Your Debt – for most individuals and small businesses this can be a monumental task, but it is possible and it makes a great impression. If you’re looking to acquire a loan or  are putting things on credit, go into it with a plan on how to pay it off. If you’re stuck with debt, take a look and see if you can consolidate it by using a debt snowball method. No matter what, pay the minimums so that your current schedule credit score doesn’t take a hit. 
  4. Improve your Credit Utilization Ratio– lenders take into consideration just how much you utilize your credit. The higher your utilization rate the greater the risk of not being able to repay your debts. So work to keep your credit utilization rate low, preferably under 30%. Lenders want to see that you can properly manage your debts and are much more willing to extend credit if there is a lower risk.

How Do You Increase Your Small Business Credit Score

No matter what don’t give up. Pick a strategy and stick with it. Don’t get frustrated when you don’t get immediate results – like we said before, you didn’t get your current credit score overnight and you won’t undo it that fast either. Making wise financial decisions consistently will not only improve your credit score but also help your financial standing overall.

FAQs About Credit Scores for Small Businesses

1. Why is a good credit score important for my business?
A good credit score is crucial as it influences your ability to secure loans, negotiate better interest rates, and even establish relationships with suppliers. Lenders view higher scores as a sign of financial responsibility, making you a more attractive investment.

2. How is my credit score determined?
Your credit score is calculated based on your financial history, including the types of loans you’ve taken, your repayment history, and how consistently you make payments on time. Scores range from 300 to 850, with higher scores indicating better creditworthiness.

3. What steps can I take to improve my credit score?
To improve your credit score, start by reviewing your credit report for inaccuracies. Make timely payments, reduce your overall debt, and maintain a low credit utilization ratio (ideally under 30%). Consistent positive financial behavior will gradually enhance your score.

4. How long does it take to see improvements in my credit score?
Improving your credit score takes time and consistent effort. While some changes can lead to quick improvements, many factors will require ongoing attention. Be patient and stick with your strategies for the best long-term results.

5. What is the credit utilization ratio, and why does it matter?
The credit utilization ratio measures how much of your available credit you’re using. Lenders prefer a low utilization rate, ideally under 30%, as it indicates that you manage your debts responsibly. A lower ratio can positively impact your credit score and increase your chances of securing new credit.


Schedule a consultation with one of our small business experts to get your questions answered and learn more about our service!