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As business owners we spend a lot of time working on building the business and growing it to match our dreams. Entrepreneurs and small business owners are made of different stuff than they typical corporate employee. They make something out of nothing and combine their creativity with their business acumen. Here at Vyde we applaud the small business owner – because the stuff of small businesses is tough stuff. Today we’re sharing 3 podcasts for the small business owner – they cover business topics and always share useful tips and plenty of inspiration, but they also provide a tribe of sorts for small business owners and solopreneurs.

In no particular order, here are 3 of our favorite podcasts for small business owners:

How I Built This

Host: Guy Raz

Average Length: 50 Minutes


Ever wonder how some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurial ventures get started? Guy Raz interviews some of the most notable entrepreneurs about their amazing successes. You’ll be able to glean ideas on how to get big dreams done and get inspired to keep working on your own small business.

most notable entrepreneurs about their amazing successes

Marketing School

Hosts: Neil Patel & Eric Siu

Average Length : 5-10 minutes


If you don’t have a lot of time to spend on marketing, this podcast might be a good fit. Neil and Eric bring actionable marketing tips every single day and each episode is only 5-10 minutes and are masters at marketing online and SEO. Even if you have a brick and mortar business, you’ll want to listen to these guys when it comes to building your online presence – and the tips they share are easily modified and applied to brick and mortar marketing tactics as well.

Online Marketing Made Easy

Host: Amy Porterfield

Average Length: 30-45 minutes


Working on your online presence? Or have a business that’s exclusively online? Online Marketing Made covers everything this type of business entails. Amy breaks down how to monetize your online business and her advice is great for bloggers and those that are looking to run an commerce business. This is a great pick for fempreneurs and anyone that’s looking to build out drip campaigns and leveraging Facebook ads.

Online Marketing Made Easy

We’re always looking for new ones to add to our must listen list – what podcasts are you listening to? We’d love to hear about them in the comments.

FAQs about Podcasts for Small Business Owners:

What makes podcasts a valuable resource for small business owners?

Podcasts offer valuable insights, tips, and inspiration tailored to the unique challenges and aspirations of small business owners, fostering a sense of community and providing practical advice.

Why is “How I Built This” recommended for small business owners?

“How I Built This” features interviews with successful entrepreneurs, offering firsthand accounts of their journeys and strategies for building thriving businesses, inspiring listeners and providing actionable ideas.

What sets “Marketing School” apart as a podcast for small business owners?

“Marketing School” delivers concise, actionable marketing tips in short episodes, making it ideal for busy entrepreneurs. Hosted by Neil Patel and Eric Siu, it covers online marketing and SEO strategies applicable to various business models.

What makes “Online Marketing Made Easy” suitable for small business owners with an online presence?

Hosted by Amy Porterfield, “Online Marketing Made Easy” focuses on monetizing online businesses, offering insights into effective strategies like drip campaigns and Facebook ads. It’s particularly beneficial for bloggers and e-commerce entrepreneurs.

How can small business owners benefit from engaging with podcasts?

Listening to podcasts allows small business owners to stay informed about industry trends, learn from successful entrepreneurs, and discover innovative strategies to grow their businesses. It also provides a sense of community and support among like-minded individuals.


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