Mazuma is now Vyde

If you’re among the 54% of Americans who will receive a tax return this year,  you’ve probably already spent it ten times over in your head. However, if you’re not quite sure what to do with that bit of extra cash, here are a few ideas of how to put that money back into your business and improve your work life.

Discover 10 ways to use your tax refund to enhance your work life. From professional development to workspace upgrades, make the most of your refund

10 Ways To Use Your Tax Refund To Improve Your Work Life

  1. Buy an ergonomic chair.
  2. Have an occupational therapist set up your work area to your specific height.
  3. Invest in a larger computer screen or side-by-side screens.
  4. Buy an ergonomic split screen keyboard to go with your new screen.
  5. Treat yourself to a foot rest.
  6. Or, if you’re still sticking to your New Years resolution, buy an exercise bike pedal or pedometer to keep you moving, even at the office.
  7. Grab an exercise ball to sit on to engage your core muscles while working at your desk.
  8. If you’re a road warrior, have your car detailed.
  9. Consolidate your rewards points and refund and plan a once in a lifetime trip with your family.
  10. Take your employees to lunch.


How are you using your tax refund this year? Share with us on our Facebook page.


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