Mazuma is now Vyde

Did you know you can deduct Halloween candy from your taxes? As a business, you can use Halloween candy as a tax write-off if you figure out a way to make it business-related.

Here are five ways on how to make Halloween candy tax-deductible this October:

  1. Make a promotion out of it. Attach your business card or a promotional flyer to packets of M&M’s and voila! Deductible.
  2. There are many companies that will print candy wrappers with your logo on it. This is a more advanced way to promote your business and still have something for trick-or-treaters.
  3. Send a box of candy to potential or existing clients this October. These gifts help promote your business and build relationships that can boost your sales. It might also be a nice, unexpected (and early!) surprise for clients who might be expecting a Christmas card rather than a Halloween treat.
  4. Donate any leftover candy to the US troops. Read more about that, here. “Charitable organizations with 501(3)c status like Operation Gratitude (EIN 20-0103575) and Soldiers’ Angels (EIN 20-0583415) collect leftover Halloween candy to include in care packages for soldiers. They are two of many 501(c)3 organizations on the IRS-approved list to donate tax-deductible charitable goods. Always be sure to check the IRS list before claiming your donations are tax-deductible, as status can change.”
  5. Make it a party. You can deduct a portion of a Halloween party if the party is to conduct or promote business. Typically, this looks like an open house of some sort where you mingle with current and potential clients, play a few Halloween games, give out candy and treats, and discuss business. The IRS does not specify how much time you must spend discussing the business to claim a deduction, so party on!


The candy you purchase to stand at your front door and hand out to neighborhood kids is likely not tax-deductible. But hey, those little smiling monsters on your doorstep are worth the money, aren’t they


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