Mazuma is now Vyde

b5069fed72caff41_163250142.jpg.xxxlarge_2xIf you filed a 6 month extension on your personal taxes in April, it probably seemed like October 15th was eons away. As always, time flies by and you may be feeling a little anxious about the rapidly approaching tax extension deadline.

If you filed a tax extension and still haven’t finished your personal taxes, here’s what you need to do:
  1. If you owe a tax bill to the IRS, make sure you paid it when you submitted your 6 month extension. If you didn’t pay your tax bill then, that is the most important thing to take care of. The sooner you make that payment to the IRS, the less penalties and interest you will have to pay.
  2. Start your return now. Don’t wait until October 14th to start on your return and then rush through it. Give yourself time to gather the proper documents and file your personal taxes accurately.
  3. E-file or send your tax return to the IRS by October 15th. The IRS does not accept e-filed tax returns after October 15th and mailed tax returns must be postmarked by this date as well.
  4. Contact a CPA. They can help you gather needed tax information, accurately fill out your tax return, and file it for you. They can even help you set up a payment plan with the IRS if you cannot make your full payment right away. Vyde accountants and virtual bookkeepers can help you file your personal taxes with the IRS before the October 15th deadline.

Other posts that might interest you:

6 Reasons Why Filing a Tax Extension with the IRS is a Good Decision

Top 10 Things You Should Do If You File a Personal Tax Extension

Q&A: How to file an individual income tax extension with the IRS

Q&A: Do I need to request a state tax extension if I filed an IRS tax extension?

Q&A: What if I missed the IRS tax extension deadline?

Q&A: What if I can’t file my personal taxes by my IRS tax extension deadline?

Q&A: Can I file a second IRS tax deadline extension for my personal taxes?


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